How to Order
Please inform us of your requirements using one of the following:
Or use our Contact Form
Telephone: 01559 362890
Peter & Christine Everitt
The Honorwood Flocks
Cefn Llanfair
Llanfair Road, Llandysul
Ceredigion SA44 4RB
We will contact you in return confirming cost and payment method.
Post & packing charges will be advised at time of ordering.
Cheques or Postal Orders should be drawn in favour of “P.R. & C.S. Everitt”.
We can accept British or foreign payment via PayPal.
Please note we do not accept credit/debt cards. However, credit/debit cards can be used when paying PayPal invoices.
Please note we can only deal in British £ Sterling and are not able to advise on conversion to other currencies.
Post & packing charges will be advised at time of ordering.
Cheques or Postal Orders should be drawn in favour of “P.R. & C.S. Everitt”.
We can accept British or foreign payment via PayPal.

Please note we do not accept credit/debt cards. However, credit/debit cards can be used when paying PayPal invoices.
Please note we can only deal in British £ Sterling and are not able to advise on conversion to other currencies.